June 23, 2005 � Pissin' the night away
Oh how stressful the last couple days have been. Jamie and I have been busting our butts trying to pack up everything. We have to be out of here in 6 days. :-(

Actually, when I say busting our butts....I mean, working, then taking very long breaks...then working again and then repeat. So, I guess TECHNICALLY we're not working "hard", persay, but we are working. My lazy disease strikes again.

Ahhh I feel so sick. I've felt sick everyday for 4 days straight. The first two days, I felt so flu-y that they sent me home from work. Now its just lurking around. Hopefully it gives up on my and goes away so I can get the cleaning spirit and actually get some stuff done.

What a horribly uninteresting entry.

I better end it now before anything else boring happens!