November 30, 2005 � The AHHHHHHHHH entry
First off, I would like to submit this picture of a note that my 8 year old neice Rachel wrote when she was sent to her room:

I think that is SO hilarious.


Secondly, my dear diaryland friends Jane and ZuZu have finally convinced me. I am going to call and get some information on getting Jamie and I some goverment aid. I feel sort of skeezy doing it...I never wanted to be someone mooching on goverment cheese...but, I think it would help us. Even if its just a little bit and its not forever. Just until we find our footing again. Even if its just help with our rent, that would take off an enourmous chunk of stress. So we'll see how that goes.


Speaking of rent, I cured my down mood yesterday by going online and writing down all the listings for apartments and houses for rent that I thought were possible for us. There's two pages! Just doing that lifted my spirits. Thinking about getting out of these walls and into my own place again revived me. I can't wait to decorate, do dishes, COOK, even clean! I can't wait to be the little house wife again. Because this place is sucking all the life out of me.

I guess Jamie's mom over heard him telling his brother that we were planning on moving in January, and she said "I heard you are moving. Don't you like it here?" And I wanted to scream "NO! I hate it! Your crazy!" But, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, because as crazy as she is, she's also kind and very gracious for letting us stay here. So we just said that we need more room for Marci and Moses. (btw, Moses is doing very well here now. We got him a pen to put him in at night and he's training is going well!) Which is very true.


Anyway...what else...hmmm...OH YEAH.

I'm so irritated with Jamie as of late.

Yeah, I said "as of late". I don't know where that came from. Hmmm.

It seems that for the last week he has been putting everything above spending time with me. First, it was because he was reading the 5th Harry Potter, then it was because he was reading the 6th Harry Potter, then it was because of his online computer game. "Katie! I just became guild master! I can't let down my guild by getting off suddenly! We're on an important mission."

And then last night, he rented a two player Harry Potter game for our gamecube and it was all he was talking about. Everytime I would ask him to get off the computer and spend time with me he'd be like "Well, I got that game for us tonight! We'll spend time together then! We'll have so much fun playing that game together!". So, finally, when Marci goes to bed at 1 a.m ::gasp!::, we truck downstairs and set up the game. But wait, my controller doesn't work so I can't play. And what does Jamie do? Instead of getting off and doing something else with ME, he keeps on playing while I go to bed.

I feel so rejected.


Alright well Marci is driving me absolutly CRAZY right now so I better go. Errrrr its the start of another WONDERFUL day :-/