January 12, 2006 � What a useless update
Ahhh my medicine is making me feel way too hyped up today. I need to calm down. I can't sit still, which sucks because I already cleaned and organized the entire apartment and there is nothing else to do but be online or watch tv. I'm going stir crazy.

I've wanted to update for a bit, but I hate updating when Jamie is here. He just stresses me out. He's always asking me when I'm going to be down, or making noises, or nagging me. I can never concentrate. Now that I sit here, I can't think of anything to say.

Oh. Here's one thing. I really don't like my reaction to Marci's misbehaving. It's a little rash. I get really overly angry. For example, today Marci turned off the computer after I told her to stay away from the computer tower and took her somewhere else. When I came out of the bathroom to see she turned it off, I screamed at her and yanked her away from it and dropped(not literally) in her Dora chair. Immediatly I felt terrible for yelling at her and grabbing her the way I did. It didn't hurt her, but it was in no way gentle. I can't believe I reacted that way. I hope the neighbors didn't hear me yelling. It is something I have to work on.

I really need to do something else. I'm having such a hard time sitting here. Maybe I'll cook. Or do the dishes. Or do SOMETHING. School starts next week. I hope I have this jitteryness under control by then.