February 03, 2006 � 5 Weird Things
Tagged by my precious Lerin

First, list 5 weird things you do and then tag 5 others to do the same.

1.I REALLY can't stand when something is on the edge of a surface. Like if a glass is on the edge of a table I HAVE to push it back or I'll go crazy. I've been known to do this at my tables when I'm working. It puzzles the customers.

2.I also can't stand my hands being dry. It's probably my biggest thing. I used to take in gloves to math class so I wouldn't have to touch the chalk. I can't even look at dry hands. I put lotion on very compulsively.

3.I LOVE making lists. I get some sort of joy from lists. I make lists for everything, even if I don't follow through with them. I make sub-lists in lists. My family and Jamie always makes fun of me b/c if you open up a random notebook in my house, you'll probably find at least 8-10 lists.

4. I pick my lip. All the time. I do it without even noticing I do it. My mom did it too. When I was little, I had to get stiches in my lip and I THINK it stemmed from that. Now,I can't help it.

5.I love to write. I'm not talking about in here (although I love that too), but I love handwriting. Handwriting anything just to see how pretty my handwritting is. I get mad when we don't take notes in class. I hate wasting notebooks. Maybe this is why I make so many lists.

People I'm Tagging: