March 09, 2006 � Where I have been
Well Well Well

Where have I been?

Lets see.

I took off work last weekend and my little Rose came to visit me. Seeing her was the first time in my pregnancy that I missed my old life so far. She is just a reminder of my crazy summer. I was afraid I would bore her with my pregnant self, but we actually had a really good time. We dressed up in all kinds of ridiculas outfits and took pictures with my new camera. Then, we made my apartment look like a bar and had Jamie take pictures of us "clubbing". Although I was worried at first, the way things went was a good reminder that with real friends, anything can be fun.

The rest of the week has been spent wanting to die. I have morning sickness SO bad this time, that is almost makes me an invalid. With Marci, it was minor and just right before I went to bed. This time, it is severe and all damn day. ESPECIALLY after I eat. So, you can bet that I am pretty terrified to eat. I already have a long list of things I can and can't eat, and the "can" list is growing shorter and shorter with each meal. Right now, the only food that doesn't make me sick is fruit. I've been eating peaches and oranges like it's my job. I really don't know what to do. I called my midwife today and she is going to give me a prescription. It's really effecting my mood, as well. Yesterday, I slept from 10am-3pm and then laid on the couch until 5. It is really inhibiting me getting anything at all done, which then, only makes me depressed for being such a waste every day. So, I lay on the couch and look at my messy apartment that I don't feel well enough to clean and then I look at my adorable daughter that I don't feel well enough to play with, so I sink into a depression and hate life. Yeah. Thats pretty much my days.

I am also completly avoiding the kitchen due to the smell of food.

I went with Jamie to get his new tattoo yesterday. Let me tell you how we can really afford a 300$ tatto, but hey...what do I know? It's actually pretty sweet. It's a celtic cross with a shamrock in the center and its on his arm. It's really intricate and well done. Being in there made me sad to know its going to be a little while until I get my next tattoo. Sigh. Oh well. They are worth the wait. I'm also glad he finally got it so he can stop freaking talking about it. I had learned how to zone him out so perfectly when he would start to ramble on and on.

Another thing is I'm having so many issues with my Dad. Our relationship is really getting disconnected and I don't know what to do. The thing is, he is being so irresponsible with his choices when it comes to this woman. She seems SO controlling and needy and overbearing and my WHOLE family can't believe he doesn't see that. The thing that is really bothering us is his treatment of Juan and Gi, his foreign exchange students. He leaves them alone 5 nights a week, and spents the night at her place (45 minutes away, mind you) 4 nights a week. Now, if the study abroad program found that out, those boys would be yanked out from my Dad's house because you're not aloud to do that ever. Especially since my old neighborhood is going so down hill. So, Joy and my Dad go to Pittsburgh for Thursday-Sunday last week, come back late Sunday night, then go out to dinner again Monday and Tuesday night and leave the boys home with tv dinners. Now, I ask you..if you were studying abroad in America, is this the kind of experience you would want? I just feel so terrible for them. I had them to dinner on Saturday, but Jamie and I have a lot in our lives right now as well and the rest of my family can't be expected to carry my Dad's responsibilities because he is so stupidly twitterpated. And don't you think that if this woman had any character at all, she would respect my Dad's responsibilites with the boys and either come over HIS house or say "Hey you know what? We went out last bout you do something with the boys tonight?" NO. No. Not at all. Not only that, but she doesn't allow him to have his cell phone on when he's with her! How terrible is that?? What if something happened to them? They would have no way to reach him. She's a fucking bitch. There. I said it and it felt good. I strongly dislike it. Before, I disliked her for stupid reasons, but now, all kinds of red flags keep going up and everyone in my (and her's actually) family sees it but him. There is no one that feels safe about all this. PLUS she is trying to make my Dad give away my dog. My baby. The dog I've had since I was twelve. You see, she only "tolerates" animals.

And this whole situation is wrecking OUR relationship too. It sounds terrible, but I'm starting to not be too fond of him. I used to be the biggest Daddy's girl, but to see him act so frivolously(or however you spell it) literally makes me sick. He is NOT acting like himself and this woman is bringing out the worst in him. All I can do is pray that he comes to his senses. AT LEAST about the boys...b/c I think thats the most important right now.

Well, I guess thats it. My mouth tastes like metal and I can't believe I have to suffer through two more classes.Here are pictures of what happens when you take a picture of a sleeping Ba.