May 06, 2006 � BOR-RED so SURVEY

::Bad Things Survery for a Lazy Saturday::


How old were you the first time you drank? 15 I think

How old were you the first time you got drunk? 15 I think as well. TERRIBLE experience. I started crying and telling this guy Justin that I was in love with him. Crazy.

Did you ever get caught drinking under age? Never--I was sly.

Did you get in trouble? I never got caught

Do you still drink? Now that I'm pregnant, I don't, but otherwise, yeah. But, I only drink wine and beer an margeritas and I hate getting drunk.

Have you ever smoked? Cigs were gross. Pot is good.

If you Have smoked how old were you the first time you smoked? I was 15 with my first cigerette, and 19 when I first tried pot.

Do you still smoke? I smoke pot occasionaly when I am not currently growing a human being in my uterus.

If no, how long did you smoke?

Have you ever done drugs? Siiigh yes.

What was the first drug you ever did? Besides pot, coke.

How many drugs have you done? 4

What drugs were they? Pot, opium, cocaine and ecstacy

What was the hardest drug you ever did? Either coke or X

Have you ever had sex of any kind (intercourse, oral, anal, etc) NEVER. This is an immaculate conception.

If yes how old were you the first time? 17

Looking back did you love the person?

I loved him, but I wasn't IN love with him. He was my highschool boyfriend, and, at the time, I was really crazy about him. I'm really happy I didn't lose my virginity to someone that I didn't at least THINK I loved.

Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Yeah for a second or two.

Is there someone right now you'd like to have sex with? YES! My husband!! His pants are harder to get into than the pope's lately!

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yeah like 8 someones.

Have you ever had sex of any kind with someone of the same sex? No I have not.