May 11, 2006 � "JOY" to the world--yeah right
Fifteen minutes until my last final! YAY!!!!

These last two weeks have been riddled with stress and procrastination. I finished my final paper today-the day it was due. It feels so good not to have any more papers to write. I really hate writing papers. I had 6 papers in the last two weeks!! THANK God that now I only have to worry about keeping up my house and working for a couple of months. I'm so happy this semester is over.

So, Jamie is really sick today. I think he might have strep throat. He told me "this is the sickest I've felt in years", which I swear he has said everytime he gets sick. Jamie gets sick a lot. To be honest with you, sometimes it gets on my nerves because sometimes it seems like he might be overdramatizing things. I mean, how seriously can you take a peson who always has something health-wise wrong with them? Thats mean to say. But, I will say that this time, I do think he is really sick. His body felt like it was on fire last night. Despite his weariness, he took my Dad's exchange students to Cedar Point (aka: best amusement park ever) yesterday, which was a great feat. It's 3 hours away and has 16 of the biggest and fastest rollercoasters. I thought it was absolutly amazing that he held to his commitment and put himself aside to show these two boys a good time, especially since they are leaving in less than a month (which is really sad because we've all grown very attached to them.) So, I'm dedicating my day to trying to help him be as comfortable as possible and to help him get better. Too bad I'm starting to feel sorta shitty myself.
There is more Joy drama lately. I'm not going to get too worked up about it because that never helps anything, but I just can't believe that my Dad is with someone like her. Someone so cold and petty.

He told my sister that last week, I called my Dad and after we hung up, Joy started bad-mouthing me to my Dad! I don't know exactly what was said by her, but I *do* know what was said by my Dad, which makes me really proud. He stuck up for me! He told her to get over it and that I am doing a great job of trying to accept her and whatnot and she needs to stop being so petty. I can't believe she had the nerve to talk about me in such a mean way to my own father. Especially since I have been nothing but honey and candy to her for the past month. I thought I was even starting to like her. Well, not anymore. I'm not going to hold any grudge against her because this whole incident is just proving to me (and my Dad), that I am the bigger person and if a woman of 67 can't be the bigger person to a girl of 22, thats pathetic. Maybe, just MAYBE, my Dad will realize that too.

Another thing yesterday that really bothers me that I might actually mention to my Dad is Joy's treatment of Marci. Juan told Jamie that when my Dad listened to my voicemail last Sunday asking if he'd watch Marci in between our shifts, that Joy started waving her finger at him and was like "nuh uh!" And this just proves to me that the incident a couple months ago with my Dad trying to hurry up and get me to come get Marci and treating her like a burden was Joy's doing. So, how do I handle this? Do you have any advice? I don't want this woman to come between the relationship of my Dad and his granddaughter. Marci adores my Dad and he used to be her favorite person. Yesterday, he took us to lunch and as we sat on the booth, she said "Geepaw!" and climbed onto his lap. It took a while for her to warm up to him again and I'm glad that she did. I don't want Joy ruining that.
Alright, off to my final.

P.S.-Did anyone see American Idol last night?! Was anyone else's jaw on the ground!?