June 14, 2006 � Stuttgarter Weihnachtsmarkt
So, I am really sick of not living in Manhattan and instead, living in Warren Ohio.

This guy lives in NYC and puts pictures up once in a while and there was all this action in Central Park and then he had a picture of these people having a beautiful dinner on their roof. You can't do that in Ohio! I'm jealous of all the people I know who are moving there. I'm SO jealous, actually. If I didn't have my girls, I would live there in a second. So, I guess it has to be Long Island for me.

Jamie has been PRECIOUS to me the last couple days. I wrote that last entry while he was out, and it was like he read my mind (or my diary) b/c, when he came back, he was my baby again. And I've felt good since then.

I am just SO stressed lately. Maybe that was my problem. Marci has been SOOOOO difficult the last couple days. It's really sad when you get to the point where you have to talk yourself out of smacking your child. DON'T WORRY! I never would! I just needed a "mommy time out". I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous break down. This Stay at home mom stuff isn't for me. I need a break! I think I am going to go lay out for a couple today and let Jamie deal with the tyrant.

Although, she's being really adorable today. She'll ask for something and we'll say "You can ONLY have ____ if you be the cutest girl in the world!" And she'll make this goofy face and then we'll explode kisses onto her fat cheeks.

So, I'm supposed to go to Boston next Friday to see my brother and I am SO terrified to go. I would be flying and I'm horrified of flying. I wasn't always like this. I just think "what makes ME so special not to die in a plane crash?" And I think that way when I'm in a car too. Or in my bed. Or walking down the street. I think "What makes me so special not to be raped, to be kidnapped, to be murdered". All these thoughts run through my head on a daily basis. Actually, I'm sort of concerned about mylevel of fear. I sort of obsess about it lately. It's starting to control me. I am actually thinking about cancelling this once in a lifetime trip b/c I am scared to get there. ACK! What is wrong with me??

Ok, I've been ignoring the cutest little girl in the world long enough.