June 18, 2006 � WHAT a few days
I really should be cleaning right now. My very darling Jessica Mitolo--aka:childhood accomplice to trouble--is coming over tonight and I haven't seen her in eons.

But instead, I am sitting here doing absolutly nothing. I think its because I've had an exhausting couple of days.

Yesterday was my neice Anna's graduation party and on Friday, I was at the hall for 6 hours helping set up. And then I was there yesterday for an hour before helping and then almost 3 hours after helping clean up! I was SOO pooped! It's amazing how much those things take out of you! I thought it was incredibly smart (SARCASM ALERT!) to put the cake and cookies at toddler eye level for the whole day. At one point, Marci's little cousin Mason (2 months older than Marci) was pulling hunks out of Anna's beautiful cake! And let me tell you how hard it is to get Marci to eat chicken and pasta when there are cookies and cake easily accessable. But, all in all, it was a good party.

I wish I could update this with good news about by Dad, but that seems to never happen. He is just breaking all of our hearts and I really don't know how to handle it. Poor Anna. To be so cruely rejected by her only living Grandpa. Not just by not coming to the party, but he seems to be spiting her for silly, immature reasons. Reasons a teenager would use, but never a grandparent. "Well, if Anna loves me so much, then why didn't she come see me in her prom dress?" "Well, if Anna thinks we are so close, then why did she only stay for 30 minutes at Juan and Gi's party?" They aren't even reasons. They are excuses. They are excuses to justify his selfishness and reckless handling of his family.

Even though he is doing this to Anna and to Tia, I feel it just as strongly. I think its because I know that it could easily happen to me. He could reject me just as easily as he is rejecting Anna...as long as he has his miserable muse to whisper lies and breathe spite in his ear. So what do we do? How do we break this spell? We are all so baffled. Do we just let it run its course or do we say something? And if so, what do we say? How do we say it to make him take us seriously? I've been praying for an answer to these questions for the last couple days. Seeing as how its been on my mind almost constantly.

I don't know why I haven't written this earlier--I guess I was too busy. Funny I could be too busy to document a miracle!

We went for an appointment at our special ultrasound place. It was our first appointment since we heard all the problems this little growing princess has. A heart defect that would need surgery, cysts on her brain, and of course, the ever constant sub chorionic bleed I've had since the beginning.

The doctor is giving me my ultrasound when all of a sudden he says "Wow! Looking at you this time, everything looks really good!" He then stares at the screen for a few more minutes with a puzzled look on his face and says "Her heart looks normal! I don't see any defect" Jamie and I ask about the brain cysts and he checks that out and tells us they disappeared! And my bleed? No evidence of that whatsoever anymore! Isn't that amazing?? Our little girl--who, at the very least, I was preparing to have heart surgery sometime in her life--is 100% healthy now! IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!