July 15, 2006 � Boston, Chair, Men I want to have sex with
FINALLY here are some pictures and a somewhat Boston entry!

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Ok I'll explain pictures now. The first one is at my brother's house. We went to the beach that day in Rockport, Mass. AKA: Where I have to live one day to be happy. Massachutes swept me off my feet and I fell in love. It has so much charm and character. Anyway, we bought the freshest lobster you could possibly get--right out of a little seafood shack from a lobstermen (thats what they call themselves). I can't believe how cheap they are there! Anyway, I'm not going to be able to explain this so you get the right effect because the only way to appreciate it to the full extent was to be there but anyway...Marci thought the lobsters..or as she called them "monsters"..were the funniest things she's ever seen in her entire life. She did NOT give it a rest. HUGE guffaws and cackles and pointing and going "MONSTERS!! SO FUNNY!" for seriously a half hour. We were trying to say grace and she wouldn't quit! It didn't get any better than these lobsters for her. It was, by far, the cutest thing she's ever done in her whole life. It was HILARIOUS.

The next picture is of me in all my pregnant glory (syke!) helping Marci find sea creatures in this march by the ocean in Rockport. The water in the ocean was so cold that it felt like needles pricking your feet, so we didn't go in. That is my neice Anna and Marci. I love that picture. I wish it was of me and Marci. And then that is Marci practicing her spread for sports illustrated.

I completly fell in love with Boston. It is one of the prettiest big cities I've ever seen. Old buildings, brick roads and sidewalks, total class. We hung out downtown and went to Quincy Market, where you can get any kind of food in entire world. And, of course, shopped until I was embarassed.

The next two pictures are from this place called Decordova. It was like a big park filled with sculptures. It felt like I was in Alice in Wonderland or something. It was all so surreal. The second to last picture is of my favorite sculpture there. It was called "Venus Vine."

The last picture is of me, Anna, and my brother Sean at Boston Harbor. Sean was so obsessed with getting a picture of me dunking a tea bag in the harbor. He bought me tea from starbucks just so he could get the bag and then made me sneak into a restricted area just so I could get close enough to the water. I was so embarassed.

All in all, we had a really great time.

So, my husband has no taste in furniture fashion. For the last three days, I've been busting my butt to switch our room and Marci's room. I want the girls to have the big room since they will have more stuff. I've been cleaning, rearranging furniture, sorting, organizing, ect ALL by myself. I am SO exhausted.

Anyway, to the fashion thing. My sister and I went garage sailing (HA!)to get some stuff to put in the new rooms and I came to my garage sale holy grail. ALL antique furniture priced ridiculasly low. I bought an awesome coat rack, some picture frames, and this really old chair. It's white and has that rustic "paint cracked" look. People spend TONS of money for a chair to look like this. So, I put it in my room and drape it with this beautiful blue throw and am all proud and whatnot. Jamie comes home and looks at the room and expresses his praise and then stops mid sentence when he comes to the chair.
"WHAT is that?"

"Thats our new chair! Isn't it cool?"

"It looks like the crypt keeper's chair."

"No! It's an antique! I got it for 5$!"

"You spent 5$ on that? I wouldn't take it if someone PAID me 5$"

"Jamie Love...it's an antique. It's SUPPOSED to look like that."

"Just because its old and decrepid doesn't make it an antique."

"Well, its our new chair. So get used to it."

"Your going to come home one day and find it in the dumpster."

"I'll be really pissed if you do that."

"It's going to give me nightmares."

So now he keeps threatening to throw it away! Its not just me who likes it! My sister liked it to! He needs to watch more HGTV.

Last but not least, I would like to state an observation about myself I noticed.

I'm on this "May 2004 Baby" board online and there are random threads all the time and this one was "Your Top 5" and it was the top 5 people you'd sleep with other than your significant other, and when I did my list, it made me realize how much my taste in men has changed.

I'm not sexually attracted to a lot of people that are really obviously attractive. Sure, I can acknowledge that they are good looking, but it doesn't really do anything for me. I think there is a lot more to being sexy then just being good looking. I like guys that don't have perfect faces. They can still be beautiful without being perfect looking. For example, James Franco (Annapolis, Spider Man, Tristan and Isolde) is currently my biggest celebrity crush. He looks a LOT like my husband. He has that James Dean look to him. But he's not perfect looking. He doesn't have completely symmetrical features. And on the other end of the spectrum, I know Enrique Eglasios (or however its spelled) is hott. I can see that. But, I'm not attracted to him at all. He's almost too pretty for me. There isn't anything really special enough about him for me.

Another part of being sexy to me is personality. I am SO much more attracted to a good personality than good looks. One on my list of my top 5 I had Jim from The Office. If you've ever seen this show, you'll know that he's attractive, but what makes him REALLY attractive is how he acts on the show. Granted, I don't know if thats how he really is, but I go CRAZY for him every time I watch it. Gale Harold from Queer As Folk was also on my list b/c of his personality and how he acts. He's actually one of my huge celebrity crushes right now. Then, I had Capt Jack Sparrow. NO not Johnny Depp..Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp alone has the personality of a cardboard box (which is why I think he's such a good actor b/c he's like a blank slate going in every time!).

Anyway, that is just something I noticed about myself that I wanted to document.

Wow. I was supposed to start cleaning an hour ago. I'm supposed to be done by 2! ACK!