July 17, 2006 � PMSing toddler
Is it possible to have PMS twelve years in advance? Because I definatly think my daughter is a little pre menstral.

It all started this morning when we woke up and she asked for pancakes. I told her that I would of course make my baby pancakes. So, she follows me into the kitchen, and when she sees that I do not have the pancakes to give her at precisely the moment she wanted them, she spazzed out. Full on crying and throwing her cup around. I put her in her time out chair in her room, and went back to my business...ignoring the wails and screams that I had as background the whole time I made the pancakes.

So, she finally gets her pancakes and is very content. That is..until Maisy ends. Then its whine fest the sequel. And now she is pissed because we can't go outside until Jamie gets here because he has the house keys.

So thats my day so far!

I've been working really hard the last couple days getting our room and Marci's room switched and set up and cleaned and decorated ect ect. They look really good. But I'm exhausted. And even though they are done, now the rest of my apartment is messy from all the construction I was doing in those two rooms. Hopefully I can get some motivation to do it today.

We took Marci to the county fair on Sunday. My main reason for going was for the food. I am a huge fair foody. That is the only reason I go because other than that, its such a freak show. So here are the things that happened at the fair:
-We spent 5$ trying to win a bunny...we didn't win a bunny

-I got stung by a hornet on the finger when it flew in my hair

-I only got to get french fries and a lemonade

-We spent 5$ on a pony ride for Marci

-Marci threw the tantrum of her career when the pony ride was over and Jamie had to throw her over his shoulder b/c she was punching and kicking him for the whole 15-20 min walk back to the car. Hence, me not getting any other food besides the fries and lemonade.

I was SO upset about the food. I mean, there wasn't anything we could have done about it, but I was looking forward to a hot sausage sandwich and some cotton candy as well. I hardly ate anything that whole day because I was saving my appetite! You really shouldn't mess with a pregnant woman when she's hungry.

Ok, I'm going to get my hair done and I need to shower.