August 24, 2006 � "I'm Sir Steve-a-lot!"-Random Blue's Clue's quote
I have been doing very good with my iron lately and today is the first day I have been slacking and I can tell 100%. I feel weak and lethargic. Too exhausted to clean the kitchen, which means I won't eat because I won't make food in a messy kitchen. It's a weird obsession I have. So I don't know what to eat. I wish I could order pizza or something. Or a crisp salad sounds good. Too bad.

I was hoping to have energy to actually DO something with Marci while Jamie was at work today but I find myself slothing around the house while the tv entertains her. Which makes me feel like a failure as a mother. Marci deserves better.

Thanks for all the comments from yesterday. I found myself for the first time wishing ill on a small child last night as I lay in bed. I said a prayer that he had nightmares

Jamie got angry because I fell asleep putting Marci to bed and wouldn't wake up to have sex with him so he slept on the couch. I tried to feel guilty, but the truth is, I got a really good nights sleep for the first time in a while having all that room. When he stormed out and told me he was sleeping on the couch, I was thinking "Should I go to him and try to make it better?'m really comfortable." Maybe we can get in another fight tonight and he'll want to sleep on the couch again.

Marci is in the kitchen right now saying "Mmmm delicious eggs!" But, in Marci-talk, it sounds like this; "Mmmm dewicious eggs!" So, I think thats a hint that she wants me to make her some eggs. Guess I'll swallow my disgust and cook in that god-awful kitchen.