October 05, 2006 � Marci makes my world go round
Um my daughter is the cutest thing that has ever been born. Ever.

She's sitting on the couch with her hands on her chin and singing to herself "I'm a princess. I'm a princess." But, it sounds like "I'm a peencess. I'm a peencess." I wish you could hear her. She has the sillest high pitched voice.

She loves little animal figurines and has about a million of them and I love how I'll go into her room after she's been in there for a good while and she has about 12-15 animal figures lined up at the edge of her bed.

She really makes my entire life every day. I don't think I could live without her.

And she's SO excited about the baby! We took her to sibling class on Monday and they took the kids to the nursery and held a newborn up to the glass and showed them all the toes and fingers and umblicial cord and whatnot and Marci was ECSTATIC. She kept laughing and pointing and trying to tickle the baby through the glass and she even cried when we had to leave! I'm so happy she's such a kind and gentle soul. I'm so happy I don't have a kid who pulls animals' fur or plays too rough. She treats everything that is supposed to be treated gently like a precious jewel. Just slight, fragile touches. All my worries about her and the baby are out the window. No more guilt. No more hesitation. I finally feel relaxed.

We decided to try gymnastics with her on Weds. There is a "Parent-And-Tot" class. It went about as well as you would expect a two year old instructional gymnastics class to go. Marci had SO much fun and she looked so cute in her little gym clothes! I want to sign her up but its just a little financially out of our reach right now. Its 46$ a month for a minimum of 4 months. That doesn't sound like a whole lot, but its just that she can do what she did there at a playground. Maybe when she's three and she can get more out of it I'll do something like that.

Well, the day I've been dreading is less than a month away. My Dad and Joy's wedding. The thing (one of many) that gets to me is they are having it six days after my due date. I mean, what is that??? Not that I think I'm going to make it that far anyway, but still. Ok. No more talking about this. I'm getting all frazzled.

I think its about time I got make my little "peencess" some lunch!