October 19, 2006 � Pregnancy complaints and Marci-isms
I am the most irritable person ever for the last three days. Horomones are raging and I just want this thing expelled from my body as soon as possible (aww I do such justice to bringing life to the world).

They are working on the apartment next door to us (there are only two on our floor) for new tenants, probably, and they are SO FREAKING LOUD at 7 IN THE MORNING. Not only just with tools, but talking! You can hear everything they are saying! I barely got any sleep ANYWAY because A.) I'm 9 months pregnant and huge and B.) Marci is sick and kept me up with her coughing and sniffles and tossing and turning, so that didn't help.

And another thing is I'm really worried about Marci when the baby comes. She's SO "Mommy Mommy Mommy" ALL the time. She sounds like a baby bird and more than once in the last couple days, she has totally rejected Jamie when I was trying to get things done (cooking dinner, showering, cleaning, ect) and cried and screamed and threw herself on the floor when I wouldn't go to her. "Cuddle Mommy! Cuddle Mommy!" So, even if Jamie talked to her, she'd shreek (I know I spelled that wrong) at him! This is so frustrating to me. I'm hoping this is just because she doesn't feel good. But what if its not? What am I going to do when I am nursing Scarlett or doing something with her that I can't drop to be with Marci and she does this? It will break my heart.

I'm just so worried about a lot. Jamie and I have been trying EVERYTHING to induce labor (sex is an every day chore, now), and as much as I want this baby in my arms ASAP, I'm also a little nervous. Not just about Marci, but about myself too. I had really really bad post-partum depression after Marci that lasted a really long time and I don't want to go through that again. I even had some psychotic (spelled that wrong too) episodes where I did things and acted crazy and I have no recollection of it. Jamie thought I was having a stroke! I've never felt that black in my life and I'm terrified of going back to that place. Maybe I can psych myself out of it before it happens. ::crosses fingers::

Ok, enough complaining. I want to talk about my little Marciba. I used to have a journal, but when I moved, it got lost, which completly ruins my life (btw, I've been saying that too much).

She has EXPLODED in vocabulary and communication lately. Just within the last week, things have changed. I love how she says "thanks mommy" and "Sorry" at the appropriate times. And she asks SO many questions. "Whats that sound?" "Where's Daddy?" and says "please". And she's so expressive! She tells me when she's hungry and what she likes and doesn't like so much more clearly. She doesn't speak perfectly, but her communication is so much easier to understand. She always says "Lets go!" after she asks for something and grabs my hand and leads me where she wants to go (in fact, she just interrupted my entry-writting by grabbing my hand and leading me to find her stuffed lobster. She LOVES lobsters, for some odd reason.). She has just become so much fun. Everyday is new and different and exciting. And how lucky am I that I get this AGAIN with Scarlett??

Another thing that I think is HILARIOUS about her, is that she is obsessed with drama. Her favorite shows are the ones that involve some sort of action or crisis or problem. When she plays, its by putting her toys in compromising postions. If you go into my kitchen (I might take a picture of this, actually), there is a stuffed monkey hanging from my utensil drawer. I've tried to put it away in her room several times, but she always puts it back. She takes her stuffed animals and hangs them from my dining room chairs and then tells me that they need rescued! "OH NO! Cow is STUCK! HELP!" She sends her little action figures sailing down her slide and then goes after them. "Oh Dora! I'll save you!" She plays with her baby dolls, but not in a normal way. She has this toy thats a web of beads and you have to get all the beads from one side to another, and she'll take her baby dolls and stick them in this metal toy and then go "Baby! I'll get you! Pull!" and pulls them out! I've never seen this before. Thats the only way she plays. My sister didn't believe me until we were in this craft store and Marci was in the buggy and she wanted to play with this basket. The first thing she did when we gave it to her was hang it over the side of the cart and talk about how the basket was about to fall. It is SO hilarious! Maybe she'll be a soap opera actress or something.

Ok well I think I'll go spend some time with her instead of writing about her.