January 06, 2007 � Being sick is hell when you have an infant
YAY to my Lovely Lerin for fixing my template! I always manage to screw something up when I mess with it.

Ug. Ug. Triple Ug. We're all sick. Everyone but Jamie, that is. The girls have terrible coughs and are conjested and I am being hit by a mean flu. I had to sleep sitting up with Scarlett on my chest allll night last night. Its so sad to see such a little baby with such a bad cough and who can't breathe. Jamie took off work yesterday so he could take care of me and we sent Marci to play with her cousin. I wanted him to give his attention to the baby so I could rest. Luckily, Scarlett slept for almost the whole time so I got a lot of rest and some quality time with my husband. Unluckily, it did not do anything to prevent me from feeling shitty today and he has to go to work. So, looks like I'm on my own for the night. I can't even lay Scarlett down, she's just SO stuffy! Poor precious flower.

Jamie and I went out for our anniversary on Tuesday. I must admit, I was a little let down. I was looking forward to it forever. We got a sitter for BOTH girls. My first choice was to go to the sushi bar and have a few drinks before going to see the movie I've wanted to see for such a long time, "Stranger Than Fiction". Well, Jamie wasn't in the "mood" for sushi, so we went to Chipotle, had some burritos and margaritas, but the line there was SO long that we missed the movie! So we went to Damons for another drink, then we still had like an hour and 20 minutes left to kill so we went to the mall. Big whoop. It sort of depressed me that it wasn't all I expected. I think I have a bowt of post partum, because it put me in a really depressed mood for the rest of the night.

And thats the last time I left the house.

Monday starts my driving practice with my sisters and Jamie. We'll see how that goes.

Ack I feel too sick to sit here anymore. Sorry.