December 31, 2006 � New Years Eve Nothing
First off, here is the link to our new pictures from Christmas and such!

I have so many pictures. 7 pages just in the Dec album! I'm a little picture happy.

Christmas was really pleasant this year. I like the word pleasant because it covers that perfectly calm feeling with no especially highs or lows...just a steady good.

It was so much fun with Marci, though.It was almost like her first Christmas. She woke up to all the mounds of presents under our tree and, unlike what I'm used to, we were done opening within 30 minutes. We usually take our time, look at each gift, take turns, ect ect. This was just a storm of wrapping paper and boxes! Marci tore into each present. I think she enjoyed the opening a lot more than the actual present. In fact, I KNOW she did, because I had to re-wrap almsot EVERY one of the presents that weren't for her b/c she opened them when our back was turned. She loves her band and all her art stuff and all her little people she got. She's such a light.

Jamie got me great presents, although he didn't stick to our "one present" agreement. He got me silk pjs, two pairs of skinny jeans, and the "Sin City" dvd. I got him an mp3 player. I know he loves it because he wore it almost the whole day.

After we were done opening presents, I made the family egg nog French toast and then my tired little self went to take a two hour nap with my Squishy. A much needed nap. Then, we headed to Jamie's brother's for dinner and then to my sister Tia's for dessert. Nothing fancy. Just a little day.

Our big family Christmas was on Weds. It was at 5 at Bueno Vista restaurant, which of course for my family means 6. It was fun, but not what I wanted. It just felt so rushed and tense (from bad service) and didn't have that same warmth as usual. And I despretely needed that warmth this year of all years. This is the first Christmas I haven't had my house to spend it in. I know I've probably said that before, but its sad to me.

Right now I am sitting with a sleeping baby on my chest while Marci watches a biography on Gerald Ford. Ok, so her video ended and I can't get up to change it yet, so she's stuck. But hey! It's educational! Its about time she learned about Gerald Ford.

I give up on New Years Eve. I have never had a good one in my life, so I am not even going to try anymore. Jamie is working until late and its just me and my girls home alone. I will admit I am a little depressed, but not really. Like I said, I give up on NYE fun. Plus, what am I going to do when I have two little girls in tow? Not much, thats for sure. Its just another night to me.

I don't know why I can't end my streak of bad NYEs. Last year, my phone got stolen and riots broke out at Rose's house, the year before we went to a party that was totally lame and we didn't know anyone, the year before we did nothing because we were getting married in two days, and the year before I had an evil stomach flu and was puking my guts out and hating life.

What I'm REALLY excited for is our anniversary is Tuesday! Three years already! We're getting a sitter for BOTH girls now that Scarlett takes a bottle, and going out for drinks and sushi! I'm so excited to go and just have an evening with my husband. To get dressed up for him, to sit with him, to have drinks with him, to be silly with him. I'm SO stoked for it! We haven't be alone in 7 all. Its very rare that Scarlett goes to bed for the night in a seperate room as me. Sometimes, but rarely. So, this is a treat.

Ok, well, Marci is being too adorable too ignore. I guess I don't mind ringing in the new year with two out of three of my favorite people in the world (minus Jamie :-( )