March 01, 2007 � Not a fan of 8am
The stillness of 8am. Toys scattered on the floor. Baby Einstein on the TV. Yeah, this seems familiar.

I have to admit I was getting quite accustomed to Marci's schedule of sleeping in until 10 or 11. Even Scarlett followed it for a while. Then she started to wake up at 9, then 8, and today it was 7:30. I'm really not a fan of it, but oh well. I guess thats just what babies do.

My precious Scarlett Rose. My delicate baby flower. She is truly my good luck charm. She is such a happy and pleasant baby. Right now she is sitting contently watching Baby Bach, with the occasional bursts of her voice, as she is learning how to use it....and she uses it often. She is constantly grabbing anything and everything and putting it in her mouth. If she is wearing lose clothing, in it goes. Hair, toys, other babies, whatever. It will go in that mouth. I really love this stage. Where they are finally out of newborn mode and a full-fledged baby. Responding and interacting with the world instead of just observing it. She's been trying to roll over, but so far can only make it to her side. However, if you put her on a pillow she can launch herself off! Babies are so funny.

And my Marci. I have to admit, she's been a times, but she is just growing into the funnest little girl. She is doing something new every day, I swear. She stopped saying "F*** you" for thank you and now says it "Fank you". I have to say it took some practice for me to get her out of that, but after telling the photographers at Sears last week "F*** you" and them gasping, I realized I had to change it. It was getting embarassing. Her communication skills are growing and expanding like crazy! The other day she asked me for a juice box and after I got it for her, she said "You're the best mom!" I can't believe she's going to be three in just a little under three months! THREE! Time goes so fast!

She likes to play I Spy and Hide and Go Seek but I don't think she understands the concepts of these games yet. For I Spy she'll go "I spy with my little eye something....a chair!" and she understands the seeking bit of hide and go seek, but its the hiding that needs work. I'll count to ten against the wall and then turn around and she'll be standing right there. "You founda me, Mommy!"

What did I ever do with my days before these two little girls?

Well, I left the house, thats for one. I haven't left the house since Sunday when I had dinner with my ex boyfriend, Brian. It went really well. We went to get sushi and at first, I was really nervous and I don't know why. I've hung out with him before! I talked like crazy and I'm surprised he didn't call me out as the lunatic that I am. I guess he knows me too well. When I got home, it was chaos. The baby was screaming bloody murder and Jamie was at his wits end with both kids. Yeah whatever. I have the baby and Marci every single day alone and she never screams like that for me. It probably would have helped if he actually seemed to try and calm her down. Like feeding her and changing her instead of just letting her cry until I came home to do it. Ok. I'm a little bit bitter about it so I'll stop talking!

On the whole, everything has been good. I finished my second free-lancing project, a children's book. Work has been coming in faster than I thought. I have two potential jobs and one person actually invited me to work on a project instead of me making a bid for it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to take it b/c it is a lot of work. 25 articles a week! We'll see. I'm getting a new tattoo on Monday so I'm pretty stoked about that. And besides all of that, my life has been pretty drab.

Well, Baby Einstein is almost over so I best be going.