June 20, 2007 � Done
I don't remember the last time I have utterly hated my life for so many consecutive days in a row. This might be a first.

Don't get me wrong. I love my girls. But lately, I just feel like I'm drowing. Drowning in laundry, drowning in dishes, drowning in crayons and books and stuffed animals. Just drowning.

Both girls and Jamie have been really sick and this is day 5 of me not sleeping.

I feel like doing something destructive.

Like cutting myself or something extreme to get Jamie's attention that I am not alright. I have talked to him about it and he just shrugs it off and continues on his merry little way. Scheduling his classes for every day of the week. Going to the gym 4x a week. Wanting to go out a lot.

Everytime I turn around, its always SOMETHING. Marci spilt her milk on the couch, the baby tipped over the cat's water, Marci dumped all the baby motrin on the carpet, ect ect ECT. I just can't take it anymore. It never ends.

I wish I could get really really sick or in an accident. That way, Jamie will HAVE to give me a break and take care of things and take care of ME for a change. He'll be forced to make his family priority #1 because I will be out of commission.

I don't know what to do.