July 17, 2008 � UG to jobs
Today, I have to work and I am really not looking forward to it.

I am teeter-tottering with this job immensely. One week I absolutly love it, the next I think its a bucket of bullshit.

I will say, however, no matter what week I am on, the hours kick my ass and take me days to recover from. Getting home at 4:30am and waking up at 10:30 with night feedings in between really wears on a person. But I really don't know what other job I could do that would work around Jamie's schedule. I guess I'll have to see how it turns out.

I don't know. There are just a lot of things my bosses do to screw us over. For example, last week I worked a party for them and everything was free and it was a buffet so no one got tipped. Well, they didn't care abotu this and we still only made 3.15$ an hour BEFORE taxes! Two people have said things about payment and they still haven't done anything about it. That really pisses me off. I am going to try to bring it up casually but the last two nights I worked, it was a mad house so my bosses weren't exactly in the right conditions to talk money with.


I don't know.

I wish I could find the perfect job that would allow me to get home at a reasonable hour but still give me time with Jamie.

Crossing fingers.