2002-12-10 � I am very silly
Well, it's back to rolling pennies. Jamie made me realize that I will only get one MAYBE two checks before Christmas. Oy vey.

I watched a very interesting movie last night. It was called "Kissing Jessica S" and it was about this neuratic girl who couldn't get a man so she decided to answer this other girl's personal ad and even though she is straight, they end up getting into a relationship. It was a very cute portrayal of lesbianism. It showed how cute it is to have a girlfriend. Well, in the end, however, the one girl broke up with Jessica because she wouldn't have sex with her. She wasn't a true blue lesbian. So, I guess that is a sign that I can never have a girlfriend because I wouldn't want to have sex with them either.

At work, there is this girl that looks like a bulldog. I don't know what to make of her. I don't like her though. She was wearing this really cute shirt and there is nothing more wrong then really ugly bulldog girls wearing cute clothes. It's a disgrace.

I really hate my parrot and I think everyone agrees.

Alright.....time to get my meatloaf on.