2003-01-12 � Shoot me.
Here I am at Jamie's.

I'm sleeping over his house tonight since we both have class tomorrow morning.


I am really dreading school tomorrow.

Not nessecarily classes, but actually....NOT having classes. Kent whored me for a ten dollar fee and I might not get to be in my classes.

But thinking about this gets me further flustered so moving on...

The last few days have been very much like a rollercoaster of emotions.

Most of them bad.

I do not know what is up with me lately. Most likely this is just hormones...but it's really taken a toll on my spirit.

I hate being a woman.


I take that back.

Boobs are great.

Why can't I just win the lottery and not have to worry about bills, and fees, and working, and school and just be able to do my own thing for the rest of my life?? Is that so much to ask?

I can't wait to retire.