2003-01-16 � M.I.L.F.
For entertainment purposes, I am IMing people with "I'm pregnant" and testing their reaction time. So far, NOT so good....you'd think it would spark a quicker response.


I'm not.....for serious. In fact, the painters came to see me today. Woot Woot!

I just have babies on my mind right now. My dad told me today "You and Jamie be careful.....I don't want any....surprises." Well, neither do I, dad.

But I was thinking......if I were to have a baby now, when they were a teenager, I'd be the "hott mom". Being the hott mom is really important to me. I mean I can just see the friends saying like "Wow, Sebastian (or Grayson...or whatever I can convince Jamie with), you're mom is wicked hott!" Or Isabelle's friends....she can have friends that are guys...you know, when she's 30. Well....that means I won't really be the hott mom. So maybe I'll cut her some slack.

So there people....my priorities are revealed and yet again, physical attractiveness ranks pretty high.