2003-03-18 � Back from the city
This is the first entry I've written since I've been back from New York. I was going to write out a large, detailed entry about it but I find that with those sorts of things, it's basically mindless rambling so to be proper, I'll just mention some of the highlights of my trip.

*I didn't die on the plane.

*I bought a jacket from Urban Outfitters that says "U.S. Navy". It is very cool and very city.

*I saw Ashton Kutcher. Yeah that's right. It's because I'm cool. Right Mer?

*We went to see this fab band called Troop 47 at this bar. They are a mix of ska and punk and they were amazing. They're gonna be on VH1's version of Making of the Band next season, so try and check them out. www.troop47music.com

*I saw this woman with a little dog that could fit in my purse, so of course, I just had to put her in my purse. Pictures later.

*I learned that finding a bathroom in New York City is like finding a needle in a hay stack, so even when you have to go a LITTLE bit...GO....because you might not get a chance later.

There are other highlights, those are just the ones that spring to my mind off the bat.

It was a really great trip and just what I needed to relax me and dissolve my stress at home. It was the first time I've come home from the city and not wanted to live there. It put alot of things in perspective for me. I realized that I would rather live in the suburbs then in a big city like that. I know this may be very surprising to those who know me, but hear me out. I have my reasons.

Reason 1. I'm Katie Brunetti. AKA: The Queen of needing attention. I need to be different and stand out, and in the city, no matter HOW different you are, you're not different. No matter what you do, or where you go, you're part of the crowd.

Reason 2. New York doesn't possess that "homey" comfortable feeling. I mean, how could it when you have to walk around clutching your purse to your chest?

and lastly

Reason 3. I love New York SO much that I think living there would only make me take it for granted. I still get excited going every time and I want to keep that excitement alive.

So there you have it. I do, however, want to live closer to it so I can go more often. There is this place called Forest Hills and its about 20 mins from the city and its an absolutly gorgeous part of town. Either there or Massapequa. I really adore Mer too (and Dani of course) and I'd love to be closer to them.

So now I'm back to reality, which, as it turns out, isn't that bad. The weather here is glorious and no matter what happens to you, when its sunny and 75 on the 16th-18th of March, you can't help but have a good day. On Sunday, Jamie and I went bike riding, and yesterday we dyed my little dog green. It didn't work out exactly as I would have hoped, but he is sort of green. Don't worry...it's completly safe.

My first day of work is today. 3:30. It's just an "orientation" thing. Filling out paper work, and a "tour" of the building. I think I'll dress city so maybe I'll look cooler.

Welp, thats it for me.