2003-04-03 � YEAH YEAH YEAH
So it's been a few days....sue me.

I'm sitting here in my leaopard pajama's after a very uneventful (and unfinancial) day at work. My pants are somewhat wet about the knees because I was letting my kids play in the bathtub. By kids I mean my 2 new ducklings Harry and Sally. And by bathtub I mean...bathtub.

Its been a rough couple of days. Not with work, mind you...actually, that is going pretty well still. I have yet to make even one mistake on my tables or get one bad tip. Siiiighh I'm so charming. But anyway, my family is being torn apart. My brother Greg told my dad he never wanted to speak to him anymore and wrote some pretty nasty emails. It's a long story why, but I don't think it deserved that kind of response. Greg's live is in a downward spiral lately, and to tell you the truth, I'm very worried that he might hurt himself. He's very sick...emotionally. My family has never been twisted like this. It seemed like we were a double knot that no one could untie. But then a blonde gold digger from the Ukraine enters are lives and not only unties this knot, but cuts it right down the center. Isn't it amazing how you think something is so strong and stable for most of your life then something happens and all you're thoughts do a 180? Ok...this is depressing me...I don't feel like being depressed. On to happier things.


I had a pretty good day yesterday. Isn't it funny that when even the darkest of things happen in a day, if it's sunny and 70, nothing seems wrong? That was my day yesterday. The sun was shining so my spirit was shining. Emily, Carla and I had a full day of tanning, shopping, and going to a JFK baseball game. I bought "When Harry Met Sally" on dvd (a side note: What is up with dvd's and me lately? They seem to be all I want to buy! They have some cheap ones at Target. 9.44$! AND AND ANNNDD West Side Story just came out on dvd! It's my lucky day!), and Jamie and I watched it after 30 mins of playing with the ducks in the bathroom.

I've been having pretty good days lately. ;) Things are good....for the most part