2003-04-18 � Motivation and The American...thats really a Pollock
You know what my problem is? Lack of Motivation. Lately, I just can't get anything accomplished. It took every ounce of emotional strength in me last night to get up and turn off the light, let alone clean the house and start my homework. Speaking of which, I am just dying for school to be over. I complain about how I'm so stressed out with all this shit to get done, but yet...here I am...sitting online as opposed to actually doing the stuff. I dream of the days where I don't have any paper deadlines or homework and all I have to worry about is making the house nice and going to work.

Ok. Thats enough of that.

Have you ever felt like you were looking forward to something but didn't know what it was? Like you were waiting in anticipation for some mystery event? I can't help but think to West Side Story (Which just came out on DVD recently if anyone is thinking of buying me a present), and I always used to think Tony was weird for being all like "the aiiiirrr is hummminnn' and something greeaattt is coming." I was always like "What the hell is he talking about?" But now I know. I know his feeling, and I'm excited to see what this is. It gives me hope that I life is going to get really good soon.