2003-06-05 � Life doesn't HAVE a subject
Wanna hear how lazy I am? Someone knocks on my door today and since I don't wanna deal with whoever this is, I hide underneath the piano till they figure out I'm "not home" and leave. I do this with the phone sometimes too.

Anyway....onto something more interesting.....

Isn't funny how things change? I mean, obviously things change but....well....isn't it funny? Not funny ha ha--funny strange. I mean, take my life at this time next year. It seemed like everything was so bright this time last year. I had all my friends together, I had New York to look forward to, and I had this guy that I thought was the image of perfection--I am, of course, talking about Patrick. Everything about my life was perfection last year. At least I thought so. But then, everything died. My friends left, Patrick left, New York never was, and well..my mom left. I felt like I burnt down to the ground for a while. My life was so incredibly unsubstatial. I have never lost that much in that short of time. But then...like I always do....I rose up. Like a Phoenix, I rose from my own ashes. The ashes of that life. And perfection changed (especially my image of the perfect man). Now, my life isn't perfect. But I think thats what makes it perfect. If that makes any sense. I feel like I need to struggle a little bit to be happy. If everything is perfect all the time, then what is there to make life interesting? At least for now, anyway. And then, when my life actually *is* perfect (in society's standards), I'll be more then happy because to me, it will be more then perfect.

Sometimes I like to look back and just reflect on how everything has changed. How I've changed. Jamie thinks I like to look back for other reasons, but thats not so at all. Life just amazes me, is all. How it can fluctuate and twist in ways you never expected it would...and how you can be happy with certain things you never thought you could be happy with. I'm wondering if I make sense.

P.S. -Scary Work Moment: A guy is sitting at the bar last night. He looks about--I'd say--35. "Hi Katie." "Uh..hi?" Dyce tells me his name is Victor and he starts asking me dumb shit like "Hey, what are you doing?" I feel like saying "Well, I'm in a maroon shirt with a DAMONS logo on it, an apron, and I'm carrying a tray full of salad...so I'm going to a party actually." But instead I say "Working" and walk away. 40 minutes go by, and I get a phone call.

"Hello? Katie?"

"Yes this is she"

"Hi It's Victor..I was just in there a little bit ago?"

"OH yeah..hi"

"You busy?"

"Yeah sorta.."

"Oh ok. Well, I was just gonna let you know that I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and you have one of the nicest asses I've ever seen and I was just wondering if you were seeing someone."

"Well, yeah I'm actually engaged."

"Oh..so I can't call you?"

"No..welp, I'm busy gotta go."


WHY do scary ugly guys think they can hit on me?? I mean SERIOUSLY! Do you ACTUALLY think you have a CHANCE?! PUH LEASE!