2003-06-04 � Tea Time!
After a day of baking, I'm waiting for my tv dinner to heat up in the microwave.

Tonight, I had a tea party. I baked all kinds of goodies and set my table really nice with matching tea cups and everything. Then I put on my grandmother's old dress and my tiara and had a great time with my girls. You should see the pictures. We are all so cute dressed up in these old fashioned dresses with hats, and pearls. It was an old fashioned tea party after all.

I know it sounds childish to you...you know, a 19 year old college chick having a tea party.....but it really was ALOT of fun. Just getting back to the days when things were so simple and the world was so big is so relaxing. I'm so glad I have friends that go along with that sort of thing.

So all in all, my tea party attempt was a success. Kudos to Jessy Mitolo for having the best tea party lady outfit. Bravo!