2003-06-22 � 10 minutes.....MAXIMUM
I just got done watching my favorite episode of my favorite show--Red Dwarf. You know, I hate when I lose touch with something I love so much. I haven't watched it forever and I use to be a fanatic. I'm still a fanatic...just a more calmed down one.

Work SUCKED today. I made 50 whole dollars. 50 bucks on a Saturday! How terrible. I wanted to shoot myself in the face, but I don't think that it would help me round up the tips if I didn't have a face.

Tom and I did,however, get clubhouse done a lot quicker then I imagined. Clubhouse is by far my most dreaded closing sidework. We make a great clubhouse team :)

Well guys, tomorrow I leave for North Carolina! A whole week at the beach! HOW amazing! I can't believe I'm actually going on a real vacation. It wasn't until I thought about making a list for what I'm packing that I realized this is a real vacation. But hey, I make lists for everything so who knows.

Well, the interesting factor for this entry is pretty much shot and so is my time so I best be doin my laundry. Night guys.