2003-08-08 � How about a LIFE update?
I have realized that I haven't let my readers in very much on important events that happen in my every day life lately! So, we'll take a trip backward and document some little tid bits. Shall we?

-Last thursday Jamie took me to the Something Corporate (oh and 311) concert and I had a blast. I love how I can just absorb SoCo's music. It gives me goosebumps. Music has never had that effect on me before.

-Jamie and I have been spending a lot of time involved in wedding stuff lately. We found a hall (Grand Pavillion at Avalon.) It fits my vision so nicely. It's a glass room and pretty simple so when its lit only by candles and illuminating the colors in scheme, it will look spectacular. I'm having a "romantic" theme wedding. Very candlelit-ish. I see silk. I see gentle waves. I see earth tones. I see....what in the hell am I talking about? This is what planning a wedding does to me.

-I made a 120$ on Sunday! WOot!!!




Ok....so this is pretty pathetic. I'm hear to update you on the happens of my life in the last week, and all I can come up with are 3 things. Dag nabbit! Well, my dad is really sick today. So sick that I stayed home from JJs to take care of him. And being the care-taker for once has tuckered me out. Time for my traditional "last call of the night" to Jamie. Where I cuddle up in my bed with my phone, little dog, and stuff animal of choice and talk to Jamie until I fall asleep. More tomorrow, I promise. Even if I have to make something up.