February 11, 2004 � Lots of mush
I really wished I could just sponge out some more motivation to write more often.

But the only "sponging" going on here is the couch and my energy.

I don't know what it is. Its just so hard to get me to get anything accomplished living away. Maybe its because I don't have my Dad to make me feel like I need to clean and what not to please him.

So, the house gets pretty messy pretty quickly and instead of cleaning it, I lay on the couch for 7 hours.

Like I said before, lazieness is like a disease to me. Like a cancer. I feel crippled by it sometimes. I guess thats my own fault.

It gets depressing though. And it makes me worried that I'm just going to be a lifeless slob forever.

But I'm lazy about reforming too.

I'm lazy about everything.


Onto other things.

Baby things.

Jamie and I are being blessed with a little girl. I couldn't be happier about it. Seeing her on that screen was simply amazing. I thought I loved her as much as I possibly could but when we found out she was a she and I saw her moving and she even yawned, my heart grew so much bigger for her. I could watch her all day. She's 1 lb 3 ounces so far and the doctor specifically mentioned how chubby her cheeks are.

I feel SO lucky to have her. It feels like I'm the first person in history to have a little girl. This person inside of me is going to play with dolls, and put on makeup, get a period and even have kids of her own one day. It's so incredibly amazing to think about.

Whats also amazing is that this is Jamie's little girl too. It's so sweet to see him talk to my tummy and kiss it. How fortunate I am that I get to have this wonderful man's baby.

Ok, thats enough mush.

Anyone watch the Bachelorette today? WHAT was Meredith thinking with her roses?? wow....