February 26, 2004 � (No Subject)

I have to go to work EARLY today! I was all looking forward to having the afternoon to veg out (not like I don't do that every other day), but being the nice person that I am, I'm going in early so Stephanie can leave and get her hair done.

Yesterday, I went to see The Passion. There is no better word for this movie then simply amazing. I don't consider it just a movie: it's an expierience. This is going to sound so cheesy, especially coming from me, but seeing Jesus suffer the way he did...actually SEEING it...really made me want to be a better person. To do things that show appreciation for the tremendous sacrifice he made for me. In a way, it made me grow a lot deeper in my Christianity. I balled my eyes out. And not only just at the gruesome scenes. I cried also when he was praying in the garden. He was so scared but he did it anyway. And during the gory parts (especially when he was getting beaten), I just covered my eyes and heaved tears. I wanted it to be over. I saw enough. It just really opened my eyes to a lot of things about my faith.

P.S.-I really don't agree with it being anti-Semitic.

Lately, I've been trying hard to be a better person. I keep trying to think of what the right thing to do is in almost every situation. To be honest, it's not incredibly hard. I think that part of the reason for that, though, is that I'm not in a position to be bad. I can't go out to bars and drink and flirt. I can't smoke pot. I can't really do anything. Which is fine with me. I don't really miss those things. I do miss dancing though. And people thinking I'm hott.And seduction. And the taste of ameretto sours. Siiiighh.

So this week, I've only went to half of my classes. Wow. My drive really sucks this semester. I skipped English yesterday, and on my way to math, I saw my English teacher so I ducked into an empty classroom. Cause I'm SLY! Or because I feel bad for not going to his class. I'm such a guilty being. But in Math class, I wrote a big entry to put in here. I'll copy it down pretty soon. It's surprising how well my mind focuses on beautiful words and romancing anecdotes when the only other option is linear equations.

Emily's birthday is today! Hooray! I have no clue what to get her. Since she already got my DOONEY AND BURKE PURSE, YOU BITCH!

Well, I was supposed to be at work 2 mintues ago. Thats not a good thing.