February 28, 2004 � Gossip, folks
I try my very best to be a good person.

I think things over through my head and try to judge to the best of my ability what the is the right thing to do.

I try to get all mean and hateful thoughts out of my mind and try to focus on the good in people instead of the bad.

And to be honest, it's been going kind of easy.

Until now.

I'm not a bad person. I'm not mean. I don't know why I deserve a little highschool girl talking about me in such a malicious way.

There is this hostess who has said some hurtful things about me in the very recent past and until yesterday, I held them against her and was bitter towards her. I got home and told Jamie that I was going to forgive her for everything and just give her a second chance. Well, in less then a day, she used up that chance. Yesterday at work, I had a very painful episode of Braxton Hicks. It was so horrible. I was crying in the office and squeezing my managers hand. I had to go home and I laid on the couch for hours...still not feeling very good. Well, this hostess had to close for me and I guess she was complaining about it the whole time and saying I was probably faking it or whatever.

Now, my first instinct was to go and lay into her. But I don't want to be that person. Those acts don't teach anything and I don't want to look like the bad guy.

So I don't know what to do. I guess I should just relax and let it go. But it's just getting so much more frequent and is effecting my work a little bit. Not that I'm doing bad work, but I just dont' like working with her. Or being around her.

I'm really having a hard time seeing what the right thing to do in this case is.