March 11, 2004 � How about we all be lazy and call it a day?
I have been looking forward to my "Day Off from Everything" (by this I mean school and work) for such a long time. Today is that day. And do you know what I did? Absolutly nothing. I have been laying on the couch since 2. You'd think this would be a lazy pregnant woman's dream but its really not. I hate not getting anything accomplished. Not having anything to show for the day.

I guess thats not ENTIRELY true. I have quite a baby blanket going on. Emily came over yesterday and taught me how to knit. And since then, I've only been taking short breaks to eat or whatever. I really like it. It's neat to see how everything comes together. But I think it's getting to my mind. When I try to sleep or when I close my eyes, I just see the needles knitting. I imagine the looping of the yarn. I feel very old though. This afternoon, I caught myself sitting on the couch knitting while I watched Dr.Phil. Isn't there some law that people my age can't do that stuff until their 75? Who knows. Lets just hope this isn't one of those "Do for 3 days then quit" things that usually happens to me with pretty much everything in my life.

I wish I had some mind blowing stories.

Oh! Here's one.

Yesterday, Emily and I were in Walmart at like, 10 pm (buying yarn no less) and this older man is walking in front of us. Due to my new girth, I told Emily "I feel like I walk like a penquin." The man proceeded to start walking like a penquin and said "Man I hear you on that!" I just looked at him. Should I be insulted? Should I be flattered? I was so confused. Me and Emily decided to duck into a random isle and try to decifer what just happened.

And thats all I got.

Today, I watched this show on VH1 called "Totally Gay". It was about how homosexuality is being the new trend in the 21st century. I will admit right now that I've questioned my sexuality. I'm attracted to girls but I've never felt the need to actually DO anything with them so it was confusing. How can I be bi if I don't really want to fool around with a woman? Then, after watching this show, it hit me: I'm NOT bi. I just wanted to be cool! To be part of the trend! Yeah, I think girls are hott, but not in a SEXUAL a "Wow I wish I looked like you" a "If I say 'woah she's hott' people will think I'm SUPER cool." So now I can cross that off my list.

My kitten has been my little lover today. She's just been so cuddly and purring. She does this thing where she lays on my chest and she bows her head which means she wants me to kiss her. Oh I'm so obsessed with her. If you look at my pictures on my AIM profile, you'll see what I mean.

Ok. I need to go. Trump is about to fire someone.