August 26, 2004 � Unexplained Emotional day
I'm feeling rather emotional today for really no reason at all.

I'm watching Legally Blonde 2 and its all I can do to stop from crying. (I mean, Bruiser's Bill is quite a tear jerking bill, if I do say so myself)

But why?

No reason.

No reason at all.

I think a lot of it is due to all the stress I'm feeling.



I just have so much going on. Not even in motion yet, but in the back of my mind. My comic strip, my book, the necklaces I'm going to make. Then there is this inspector business.

After the fire, my landlord remarked on how messy my apartment is (she's over-reacting), so we have an inspector coming so we have to get it in tip top shape.

When do I have time to do that?

I tried today when I was alone. But Marci won't let me set her down long enough to make a dent.

Speaking of her, she's having a great day today. I think it's cause I'm letting her eat as much as she wants. My little bug.

So, anyway...all that is going through my head.

But, in better news....we got 3000$ in the mail! Shopping here I come!