September 11, 2004 � Rifts
My baby is happily watching Baby Mozart. I think it is just uber precious how she talks to the screen and kicks with excitement. She gets really into it.

I feel weird. Not sick weird. Weird weird.

I'm really falling out of everything that was my old life. I feel like a complete seperate from my old friends now. I don't want to be, but the current in this crazy river we call life keeps pulling me away.

I haven't seen Emily for a bit, Carla for AGES and I haven't really talked to anyone else for the longest time. I don't know whats happening. But I don't like it.

I'm sort of falling in more with the Damon's crowd. I see Jasmine practically every day and when I go out, I go out with them. Most of my voice mails are from Jasmine, Dave or Tom. Which is fine b/c I really like them all. I just miss the way things used to be, too.

Me and Jamie aren't doing very well at all. Last night, as I lay in bed, I thought about what would happen if I didn't get pregnant. A big part of me thinks we wouldn't have gotten married. We just fight every day and even when we're not fighting, this lump just grows inside me and it holds all my bitterness and resentment and just bad feelings. I'm really not sure if this is going to last as long as we thought. I don't know what to think of these feelings. I just feel empty lately.

Well, I'm going to go watch cartoons with my daughter