September 20, 2004 � Useless but an update none the less seems me and Theresa are the only ones who update lately! Does anyone even READ this anymore?

So, life has been ok in general.Same old same old. Just trying to figure out who I am and whatnot as always.

Jasmine and I have been trying to do the workout scene 3 times a week. Working out is a lot harder then I first thought. I mean...its really hard! I do the step machine and I don't know HOW Jasmine can go the full 15 minutes without stopping! I stop every 2-3 minutes! But, I'm already seeing results. My stomach is alot flatter.

As I sat in class today, I pondered my future. I can honestly say that I have NO idea where I'm headed career wise. I am having such a difficult time picking a major, I could just puke all over the place. It bothers me way too much thinking about it. I mean, I'm only 20...I can go a little while longer. But I hate hate HATE with a capitol H not having a plan. I am so jealous of everyone who has everything sorted and mapped out. But enough of that.

I am trying to fix some of my rifts, but really I'm not having much luck. Me and Jamie are doing glorious lately. Just taking it one day at a time. I talked to Patrick the other day who proceeded to play little games with me instead of just fessing up and telling me he had a girlfriend. Please, don't flatter yourself. Like I'd really be jealous or something.

Ok, well, the cat is being VERY mischievious around the sleeping Ba so I best be going.