September 24, 2004 � Morning visitation
I'm visiting my sister in Columbus. I'm having a pretty good time. All the kids are swarming Marciba! She's a little freaked out I think, but she's dealing with it well. Jake has a baby doll he calls Baby Marci and when I burp Marci he burps his baby. It's uber precious. We miss Jamie though, although its nice to have room in the bed. I really liked sleeping with just me and the Ba. It felt like girls night or something. We just cuddled together and I actually got like...9 hours of sleep.

So, Tami is gonna have another baby. This is number 4! I am shocked and amazed. I thought she was done. SHE thought she was done. But, that just goes to show you that God has no concern for your own plans. He has his own agenda for you.

Being a mom has taught me so many things. Things I never thought I'd care about. So, heres a list:

10. No matter how cold it is, Marci will take off her socks and you'll never see them again.

9. She will only sleep long periods of time when you think she's only going to be asleep for 40 minutes, so don't take a nap yourself.

8. If you are irritated with her for waking up every 5 minutes when her pacifier falls out, all she has to do is smile a random smile and you forget why you were mad in the first place.

7. You start measuring the days by her feeding schedule and suddenly, 3 hours fly by.

6. Babies sweat....a lot.

5. Never underestimate the power of a naked baby butt on your new shirt.

4. All the most vile bodily excrements will get on your clothes sometime, and when they do, you won't really care as much as you thought you would.

3. Modesty is out the window. You'll whip your boob out anywhere.

2. You expect everyone to be as excited as you that Marci is starting to chew on her hands.

And the number one thing I learned is...

1. Money and *sleep* hold the same value.