October 07, 2004 � Screaming Inside
I don't really know why I haven't written in 6 days. It's not like I don't have anything to write about. I actually have a lot to write about.

Me and Jamie aren't (weren't) doing well at ALL. It feels (felt) like our marriage is (was) falling apart. Like, the idea of divorce crossed my mind too many times a day. We had an "incident" last Friday. All I can say is it was an "incident". But it was enough to make me want to leave him. We fight pretty much 20x a day and I start a lot of the fights just for kicks. And I have to admit it--I've thought about what it would be like to have sex or kiss someone else. Not that I've done it or would do it...but I've thought about it. I guess the bottom line is is that I'm not happy in this marriage. But I know I WANT to be happy. I WANT to want to be with Jamie. I'm just super confused. It's like my brain argues with itself all day. I never know what I'm thinking because I always think 2 or more conflicting things...so what am I REALLY thinking? What do I REALLY want? For the first time, I'm not sure if its Jamie.


Life is so complex.

P.S-I talked to Brian Gilmore . Crazy, huh?