January 02, 2005 � 12 days of crap happened
Today,January 2nd, is mine and Jamie's one year wedding anniversary. There isn't much to say about it except for the cliche "I can't believe a year went by so fast" shit. I mean, it's true, but I'm not going to bore you with that.

I'll bore you with THIS instead! I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite for the 3rd time in a row. It is quickly sneaking into my favorite movies list. I like it b/c its not obviously funny. There are no real jokes, everything is really subtle which makes it even more funny. I'm into weird indie movies like that.

I'm trying to think of what has happened in the last 12 days that is worth mentioning. Nothing comes to mind as of right now. I went to O'Donalds on the Thursday before Xmas Eve. It was a freakin' highschool reunion there. I saw SO many people, and I looked really cute. (Is it wrong that I know when I look good?) People were acting weird though--not bad weird--like, Anthony Joseph kept telling me how in love with me he is and how we should of went out b/c he's a "relationship person" to which I responded with "we fooled around in your girlfriend's house, I don't think that qualifies you as a relationship person." It was funny. He's still cool though. I like those boys a lot.

Well, Jamie is nagging at me to get offline and get ready for our day.

P.S.-New Years Eve sucked again--haven't ended my streak of bad new years yet....