December 21, 2004 � Blah Blah BLAH
I love waking up to a clean house. Granted my bathroom and kitchen need a little attention, but otherwise, it all looks nice. The white light shining in from my blinds makes for a cozy morning with just me and my Ba.

Jamie is at work. That's right. Work. He got a job at Olive Garden and it sounds killer so the stress is lifted a little bit.

I was in quite the bitter mood last night at the mall with Jasmine. I'm just SO sick of my job. I don't know what it is, but its becoming unbearable.I don't even know why exactly I find it so intolerable, but I want to pluck my eyelashes out when I'm there. I'm just not the cheery person I used to be. I don't like being "kidded around with" anymore and I don't like seating people or waiting on people. I don't like people! You want an ice tea?? Well, what about what *I* want for a change??? That is my overall feeling lately.

I thought I'd write this big profound entry but I'm feeling less and less inspired as time goes by. I guess I'll red up the rest of my house.