January 24, 2005 � I caught you a delicious bass
My apartment is....

you guessed it...

a mess.

As usual.

How sad that a messy apartment is my usual. I wish my usual was a clean apartment. I wish I could wake up to a nice clean cozy room and come out and look around my clean living room and pee in my clean toilet. Actually, the toilet is clean so scratch that part. Well, I guess I could CLEAN or something. Siiighh.

So Marci at her first cracker. If you look at my marci album on my profile, you'll be able to see it. Thats it on that subject.

Yesterday, I went over my sister Tia's to pass the time while Jamie was at work. So, I'm sitting upstairs...minding my own business...watching Miss Congeniality...when all of a sudden...whose curly head appears over the stair case. Ohhhh thats right. My fake boyfriend, Christopher Doubt! In case you don't remember, Chris Doubt is the beautiful man I've been obsessing over every Sunday when he would come into Damons to watch the Lions play. All I have to say is thank God I put makeup on that day. So I guess you could say I had a good day yesterday. Got to hang out with Chris, went shopping, bought a new thought journal, ect ect.

RAHHHH this entry is pointless.