I'm in a mood. Its sort of a "nostaligic and depressed" cocktail. Maybe no so much depressed as sad.

DAMN IT! No one is answering my IMs. Fuck them, man.

Today at work, me and Rose made a fake application. We made him be this guy named "Dasteve Wayans" and he wanted to be a server and he wanted 8.15 an hour plus tips. That alone is pretty funny, but then, under felony, we put "My girl, right, she come after me with a stick and I'm like bitch! and I punched her in da teeth". Oh we had a laugh. Joseph made that my new voice mail greeting, but I don't want my Dad or sister hearing that.

Alright, first matter of business. Since I'm in a bit of a nostaligic mood, thinking about friendships and whatnot, I'm gonna make a list of all the people (well not all of them but some of them) that I love and why b/c I need to appreciate people.

*JOSEPH!!!: Joseph is my good friend that I met at Damons. We're going to have a drunken scavenger hunt and he just cracks me up. He doesn't even have to do anything and he cracks me up.
*JAKE THE SNAKE!!:Joseph's brother who also cracks me up
*FRANKIE!!!!!!:One of my newest favorite friends. He came and cheered me up today and he always thinks I'm funny.
*DAVE!!!:He always takes care of me--even when I pass out in his hot tub and accidently expose myself. He's one of my best friends.
*MIKE E!!!: There are reasons why I love Mike E that are very appealing, but in an obvious way. Sometimes I think I'm just buying into his act...although sometimes he's actually pretty real with me. All in all, he's one of my better friends and he's awesome.
NICOLE!!!:The fact that I've known Nicole for 10 years gives me too many things to mention. Therefore I will just say that she came to see me in the Vagina Monologues and she rocks.
EMILY!!!:What can you say about your maid of honor? When I'm with her, I feel the most like myself.
ANNE!!!:Yet again, I feel more like myself with Anne...b/c thats how I feel with my highschool friends--like that's mee. But specifically, Anne is such a dork...I mean, who orders wine in a dive bar??
SABRINA!!!!:The best Indian I know! And she doesn't take any shit.
MAGGIE!!!!:My lady! Probably my best friend because I feel completly free from judgement with her...unless its regarding my outfit.
PAUL!!!!:Because I can leave him drunken messages about our past history.
ESCHMAN!!!:Even though he doesn't talk to me very much anymore, we have this hidden understanding that we're great friends even if we don't talk.
JOHN!!!:For being such an ass at Snappers at times, he's actually turned out to be a pretty good friend.
AARON!!!:My nephew cracks me up
ROSE!!!!!:My newest friend whom I've found I really enjoy
MEREDITH!!!!!:She likes to clean my house...isn't that enough?
TREEFAB!!!!:Always makes me feel good

Alright, I'm sure that was boring for most of you, but I felt like I had to get it off my chest. I have really been questioning friendship the last two days, and I think I needed to define the people I consider my friends. If you aren't on this, don't think it doesn't mean your not my friend...b/c I'm sure I love you as well...its just that its 12:34 am and I'm incredibly tired and wanted to get this entry over with.

In closing, I would just like to express my complete disgust with American Idol. My heart stopped when Constantine was cut and that ugly tard and that ridiculasly weiner-looking kid are still on it and my Constantine is going home. Someone needs shot

(GOD I'm such a loser)