May 16, 2005 � A Survey to get my mind off things
.: x Series Of Ten Survey x :.

Ten Of Your Favorite Songs

1. Yellow~Coldplay
2. Vindicated~Dashboard Confessionals
3. Me and the Moon~Something Corporate
4. Moscas en la Casa~Shakira
5. Tiny Dancer~Elton John
6. Bleed Like Me~Garbage
7. When it Goes Down~Something Corporate
8. Adam's Song~Blink 182
9. Innocent~Our Lady Peace
10. Fear~Trust Company

Nine Of Your Artists/Bands You're Into:

1. Something Corporate
2. Shakira
3. Dashboard Confessionals
4. Death Cab for Cutie
5. Postal Service
6. Steve Burns
7. Elton John
8. Trust Company
9. Jets to Brazil

Eight Stores You Shop In:

1. Forever 21
2. Hollister
3. Urban Outfitters
4. Buckle
5. H&M
6. Wet Seal
7. Abercrombie and Fitch
8. The Village

Seven Of Your Favorite Movies:

1. Chicago
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4. Pirates of the Caribbean
3. Amelie
5. Snatch
7. The Sandlot

6 Of Your Closest Friends:

1. Dave
2. Frank
3. Michael Edwards
4. Joseph
5. Aaron/Michael
6. John


1. Jasmine
2. Maggie
3. Emily
4. Rose
5. Nicole
6. Mer
*This one was very hard since I have lots of close friends :-)

Five Of Your Favorite Candy:

1. Pez
2. Carmello
3. Jelly Bellys
4. Raisinets
5. ......I don't eat a lot of candy

Four Of Your Favorite Tv Shows:

1. Six Feet Under
2. Degrassi
3. Queer As Folk
4. The L Word
(Seinfeld, and Red Dwarf too)

Three Things You're Afraid Of:

1. Going Crazy
2. Being Raped/kidnapped
3. The dark

Two Of Your Favorite Colors:

1. kelly green
2. navy blue

One Wish:

1. I wish I had enough money so Jamie and I could get out of debt and not have to move out. I also wish I was a cleaner, more motivated person