June 01, 2005 � Gripe, Whine, Complain galore
I am so majorly annoyed.

I hate how the majority of people my age are obessed with bars and drinking and can't let even a sliver of creativity into their frame of mind.

Now, don't get me wrong. I go to bars. I drink. But HEY! I can only take so much of standing around looking at people with a drink in my hand. Seriously, have you ever really thought about the general idea of bars? All it is is standing around...or sitting...and talking to either people you know or strangers. Why is this considered fun? Theres nothing to it. Sure, I do enjoy it time to time. I really do. Sometimes, I have a really good time. But whenever I want to go out, its not ALL I want to do.

And you know what else annoys me? People whose stories always start out with "Oh I was so hammered last night" or "So, I got pretty drunk this one time and..". Are you really that boring that you can't have fun unless your intoxicated?? I really can't stand that.

So, if you haven't noticed...I'm griping. Its because I tried to get people together tonight AGAIN to play this game mafia. And...really...to tell you the truth...no one turned me down to go to a bar instead. So...really...this has no relevance to anything I previously said. I'm just upset that plans fell through.

Can you tell I'm PMSing??