July 31, 2005 � Losing my sight
I'm on this big Nirvana kick with limewire lately. Wonder what that's about.

So, I feel really guilty about always leaving when Jamie goes to work. But what else am I supposed to do? There is NOTHING to do here. I'm cooped up in this little room all night. And I'm not going downstairs b/c its a death trap for the Ba . Maybe on Tuesday I'll stick around a little longer, just so I feel better.

Ahhhhh my therapist says I put too much into guilt and I shouldn't try to please everyone so much. I am always afriad of disappointing people and so I either say or do things to make others happy, and not myself. But, honestly, that isn't always true. I'll SAY I'll do things but then, in the end, I always do what benefits me anyway, and I just live with the guilt. Which is probably why I have low self esteem and think I'm not worth anything b/c I am so selfish.

Well, my dad is here. Write more later.