October 01, 2005 � I dabble
I really wish I could have just 10 quiet moments to update my diary. 10 moments without mischieovous (or however its spelled) puppy sounds, whiney baby sounds, and little knocks on my door from my mother-in-law. Is that too much to ask??

Well, I guess not. But I did put Moses out, which I feel guilty about, but I couldn't stand him getting into everything!

In other news....I got my new tattoo yesterday! And the best part is, I designed it myself! Its a Z with tribal(ish) angel wings on either side and with blue fading in the background. It looks SOOO killer. It's only about a little bigger than a postage stamp and it's on the back of my neck by my hairline. The Z stands for Zeta, which was my mom's name. (Zeta Marcelene...she went by Marci, which is why my daughter has that name. I wanted Zeta for her, but Jamie liked Marci better. C'est la vie) And I have it on the back of my neck sort of like "My mom will always have my back" and last but not least, yesterday would of been my mom's 66th birthday so it was a special day to get it. Dude, it hurt like a bitch too. My friend Meghan told me her's there didn't hurt so I phoned her afterwards and was like "HI Meg, it's Katie. I"m just leaving you a voicemail so I can call you a liar." She loved that.

AHHH I have to serve today! 5 to close! And it's homecoming tonight so we're going to have a slew of teenagers coming 15 minutes before we close. It's gonna be a hell of a time. Last year, one of the girls left their disposable camera on the bench when she went to her table. So, before returning it, I took a lot of random retarded pictures. She must of been SO confused when she got them developed.

Yesterday, after work, I went and hung out with John and Dan, my old friends from Snappers. I don't see them very often...maybe once a month, and everytime I see them I always ask myself "why don't I hang out with them more often?" They are so much fun and for some reason, I feel SO much myself around them. More so then anyone else, to be honest.And John really is one of my closest friends. I don't know why I always forget that! He's done such a 180 since Snappers. He's so reliable and down to earth. He's not trying to impress anyone anymore. Because he really put me through hell at one point. I used to like him SO much and he played me completly. And of course, I fell for it, because I'm a sucker for romance. I get high off of people spewing compliments and beautiful words to me and completly forget my senses. Oh well. Thats me.

AHHHHH ok I can't get ANY peace to write anything close to an interesting entry so I'm just going to end this HERE.

NO I mean HERE.

Right HERE.