October 03, 2005 � 3 am jotting
Here is something I wrote to soothe my racing mind at 3:30 in the morning.

He took her world hostage
When he faked his feelings.
He got into character
and set a trap for her heart.
He watched her when her soul was sick
and waited for it to collapse
before swooping down
and scavenging the pieces.

At first,he shined.
He breathed fresh beautiful words
that renewed her.
He eased her storms and brought
the color back into her emotions.
She felt new.
He showed her the sky she'd been missing for so long
and offered her his clouds,and moon,and sun.
And told her she was his star.
But really, he was the star.
She was just a scene in his script.
Not the first.
Or the last.
This was his movie.
He panned in and out of her face
when she noticed the props
and the cue cards
and the cardboard scenery.
Now, he must move to the next scene.
Now,she's soaked.
Soaked with her lies.
Soaked with her sins.
And the fake rain on her skin.

She's pushed off the set
and told to go home.
But she has no home anymore.
Because she's stained.
Because she's broken.
Because she's empty.
Because of him

And now,
out of character,
he sleeps soundly.