October 14, 2005 � Nothing else to do but write a pointless entry
It is currently 3:30. I have to be at work at 5. I tried to get it off because my Dad's exchange students wanted me to take them to Cedar Point, but alas, no one would switch me. Which, totally blows because today would be a perfect day to go to Cedar Point. It's one of those days where being outside feels good to your skin. I love these days. Yet, I've been shut in my room all day. Not much to do outside all by myself with no stroller and nothing keeping Marci away from running into the street.

So, I was laying in bed while Marci napped, and I was thinking "I wonder what it would be like if we were living with Jesus instead of Jamie's mom." Yeah, I know I'm weird. Anyway, at first, I thought that maybe Jesus would clean up after us, not make us pay any rent, buy all our food and be nice all the time. But then I thought "Well, that wouldn't really be helping us out in the long run if he let us be a total mooch." So, I think that Jesus wouldn't charge us rent, but he would make us help out around the house and he would let us know when something was bothering him. Alright, thats enough craziness for now.