October 30, 2005 � So many gripes.
To start out, I would like to note that I can never find any of my makeup because Marci is constantly stashing it in anything that can be considered a container. Her toy box, behind her pooh couch, in her diaper bag, and my personal favorite; in an empty cup she found on the bookcase.

Well, so far, I'm not having a very good day.

I mean, work was fine and I had such a good time at the party last night, so its not that. I'll give you a run down of what is irking me this afternoon/evening.

#1.For almost...what...a month now I have been planning this Rocky Horror Picture Show schpeal. Up until Tuesday, the plan was to go tomorrow up in Cleveland. Well, then I heard that the golf dome here was having it. Well, somewhat. It is a condensed version. So, right off the bat, I wasn't really into it AS much b/c it wasn't traditional RHPS. But I asked around, and everyone said they'd rather do that. So ok. That was the plan. Well, after the party last night, the majority of people on my list to go don't want to go anymore. And I am one of them. You'd think at the young age of 21 and 356 days that I would be able to handle going out two nights in a row. Yeah. No. I'm tired and weary and the only thing I want to do tonight is cuddle up with my beautiful husband and a glass of cab and watch a movie. But thats not even all of it. I don't want to go to something that isn't exactly what I want. I'm not trying to be spoiled, but if its not the real RHPS, then I don't want to waste my time. So now, no one wants to go tomorrow either. Some people still do, but they don't want to drive. So where does that leave the little girl who doesn't have her driver's liscense? NO WHERE. But, I guess it isn't ALL bad. RHPS is playing in Cleveland again next Saturday (3 days prior to my bday) at midnight, and maybe I could get people to do that. I just really hate disappointment. I have a hard time handling it. So, now I'm moping around all over the place.

#2. Moses. This dog drives me crazy one minute and makes me melt the next. He's not house trained and it seems like Jamie and I don't have the time and/or energy to put in the work it takes to train him. AND he destroys this house. It's not his fault, though. He's bored. SO many things are telling me he is better off with a different family. But then, my insides don't want to give up and give him away. He loves us. He really does. But maybe that is selfish of me. He stresses me out a lot. But also, I feel like I am a failure if I give him away. Like my family will look at me and get very filled to the brim with "I told you so"s. I don't know. What do you guys think?

#3. I don't like living in this house. Wow. Thats news. SYKE. Anyway, I don't like living here and I don't like serving. But it seems like, to get out of here, I need to serve. AHHHHHH I don't even feel like getting into anything else anymore.

I want to eat. Is that too much to ask? Sustanence? There is nothing to eat here. Not even ingredients to make something to eat.

Sigh. I am just a big guilty, disappointed, hungry mess.

I think I will scronge quarters together to get some pizza.