December 07, 2005 � I love naps from 10 pm to 2 am
Why hello 4:12 am! How are you??


She went to bed at 10 right? Jamie and I get Batman on pay-per-view..cuddling up with a nice reisling...oh oh OH.....WAIT! Marci wakes up and decides "Hey! That was just a nap! Let me see how long I can go before Mommy and Daddy drop!" And do you know what Jamie does?? He just GOES into the guest room to sleep without even ASKING me if thats ok. So, here I am...dead tired and alone with a very awake toddler.


I've been reading through my old entries and I see so many fluctuations in Jamie and I. "Jamie and I are doing fabulous" "Jamie and I are doing very terrible." It's like, an every other entry thing going on. I wonder what our future holds. I really do. I love him to pieces--that much is true--but I wonder if we're going to be able to keep up with this forever. I'm scared that we aren't really meant to be together. I think that, pretty soon, we're going to get fed up with eachother.

This is really coming out of left field, too because we're actually doing pretty well right now. I'm just wondering about what lies ahead, is all.

Don't get me wrong. I hope that we can make it and be happy for the rest of our lives together. I'm just trying to not get my hopes up.

Well, I think I will attempt to put this thing asleep.

It is only 4:17 am though. STILL MIGHT BE TOO EARLY!